Scientific Software
- XCASCADE (3D): Monte Carlo tool to follow electron cascades induced by low intensity
X-ray pulses in 3D space and time - license available - XTANT & XTANT+: hybrid simulation tools to study X-ray induced electronic and structural
transitions in solids - XSPIN: hybrid simulation tool to study X-ray induced magnetic transitions in solids
- BOLTZMANN SOLVER: solves classical kinetic Boltzmann equations for X-ray irradiated
finite-size and bulk systems, using atomistic approximation - NanoDiff: the extended Two-Temperature model combined with electron density dynamics can follow relaxation of an irradiated sample between two successive X-ray FEL pulses, emitted at MHz repetition rate on up to microsecond time scales and up to tens of micrometer length scales
- VOLINT: performs volume integration of simulated datasets with observables of experimental interest, e.g., atomic displacements or diffraction peak intensities
- In development: SURFwiX ...